Lung Injury Resources

If you or someone you love is suffering from lung cancer, adenocarcinoma, mesothelioma or silicosis, your lives have likely changed in unimaginable ways. At, we want to help your family find the tools and lung injury resources you need to manage your condition and live the best life possible.
Below, you will find links to our resource pages. We hope that you will find helpful information about your condition and how it affects your life. If you have questions, we are always here to help.
Lung Injury FAQs
If you or someone you love has a lung injury, there is no doubt you have questions. On this page, we address common questions related to lung cancer, adenocarcinoma, mesothelioma and silicosis.
How to Get Help with Lung Injuries
Sometimes lung injuries are caused by factors outside of our control. The causes of lung injuries include workplace hazards and dangerous products. On this page, we provide resources on how to get help if you are concerned about the cause of your lung injury.
Advice for Patients and Families
Lung injuries, and cancers in general, rarely only affect the person who has it. Instead, the entire family is affected, along with friends and sometimes the community. On this page, we compile research and advice from experts on how loved ones can help manage your condition and support your treatment goals.
Managing Finances
The cost of cancer treatment should never be a barrier to getting the care you need. Unfortunately, many people who are diagnosed with cancer cannot afford the cost of treatment. As a result, some people will choose not to be treated so they are not a financial burden on their families. Others will be treated but will live with debt that may last for years or result in bankruptcy. On this page, we discuss some of the options for managing your finances and getting help after a lung injury diagnosis.
Managing Treatment Side Effects
Almost all treatment options for lung injuries have a risk of side effects. It is important to know what possible side effects are and how to manage them. On this page, we discuss possible side effects related to chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and other potential treatment options.
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